How to show chrome URL paths in chrome 87

Sat, Oct 3, 2020 2-minute read

For reasons completely unfathomable to me, recent versions of chrome decided it would be nice to hide pretty much every aspect of the URL shown in your searchbar/omnibox other than the top level domain. So if you are on chrome 87 will inexplicably just show you nothing more than until you click into the box at which point it deigns to reveal some details. This behavior is infuriating to say the least. The flag that allows you to see the protocol and subdomain of a URL (i.e. https://www.) seems to have been removed altogether from chrome but at least you can still toggle some flags to still see the path and query string.

Go to chrome://flags and search for omnibox. I would link directly to the flags, but it seems the chrome team likes renaming and/or removing flags between versions. If you are lucky the following flags will still be around when you search:

  • #omnibox-ui-sometimes-elide-to-registrable-domain
  • #omnibox-ui-hide-steady-state-url-path-query-and-ref-on-interaction

Setting the above flags to disabled and relaunching chrome will at least let you see the path of your URL with any query parameters.

UPDATE: I’m leaving the above info in case what I mention below ends up changing/going away. Currently, in chrome 87, you can right click in the omnibox and select “Always show full URLs”. I can only hope the chrome team leaves this option in place.