Fixing could not load error with Steam

Thu, Oct 8, 2020 One-minute read

Occasionally steam updates seem to update bundled libraries in such a way that breaks everything. This results in an error dialog that points you to this knowledge base page: which in my case did not prove helpful. Using ldd as they suggested showed that everything was seemingly fine- all needed dependencies were present. Instead what proved to be the issue was problematic versions of certain libraries bundled in the steam runtime- the 3 libraries shown below.

find ~/.local/share/Steam/ -name '*' -delete
find ~/.local/share/Steam/ -name 'libstdc++*' -delete
find ~/.local/share/Steam/ -name '*' -delete

Deleting those 3 bundled libraries forced steam to use the versions of the library that existed system wide, and thus got things working. The solution was found here: